Below are articles, conference papers, theses and lectures by Dr Terence Love and colleagues and students. These are typically as pre-prints or drafts. The final published versions are available from the publishers described in the references.

Dr. Terence Love and colleagues: Recent 2023 | 2022202120202019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007| 2006 | 2005 |2004 |2003| 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | Before 2000 |
Dr Keith Russell: 2015
Dr. Judith Gregory: 2000
Md Abbas Uddin: 2006



Love, T. & Cooper, C. (2024). New Military History: Using Variety Dynamics. Military History Consortium Conference, Lancaster University, UK. 6-8 June 2024 (PowerPoint).

Love, T. (2024) Red Collar Crime from the Blue Zones? LinkedIn Pulse. Sept 26 2024. 

Love, T. (2024). CPTED Review of Development Applications. LinkedIn Probe, Sept 18 2024.

Love, T., Cozens, P. M., Cooper, T. (2024). Design Thinking Strategies for Complex Situations: COVID-19 in Western Australia and New South Wales. Journal of Design Thinking. 4(2). Pp. 317-336.

Love, T. (2024). Design Thinking: Phenomenology of Early Stages of Creativity, Ideation, Affect, Communication, Design Decisions and Actions (pre-print). Journal of Design Thinking (online).

Love, T. (2024). Designing Safe and Inclusive Futures: A Holistic Approach to Crime Prevention and Social Impact. Keynote: Design Commit 2024 Conference 20-23 May 2024, Braga, Portugal. (PowerPoint).

Love, T. (2024). Design of Water Sustainability: Trees in Arid and Semi-Arid Climates. Presentation - Design Commit 2024, 20-23 May 2024, Braga, Portugal. (PowerPoint).



*Love, T. (2022) •Cyber-CPTED: •Going beyond conventional CPTED, Security and Cyber-Security to address new cyber-physical crimes. AISA PERTHSEC cyber-security conference. Perth Western Australia.

*Love, T.  (Nov 2022) Abstract: Unambiguous Categories of Systems Complexity and Control

Love, T., Cozens, P., Cooper, T. (2022). Planning Theory, Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) and complexity: what planners can learn from COVID-19. Urban Policy and Research (in press). (pdf)

Love, T. & Cooper, T. (2022) Variety Dynamics support for System Dynamics. System Thinking and Modelling Symposium 4 Feb 2022. Oceania Chapter of System Dynamics Society. (pdf) and (PowerPoint)

Love, T. (2022) Three Categories of Design Thinking: Routine, Simple/Complicated and Complex. Journal of Design Thinking. Volume 2, Issue 2, December 2021, Pages 191-214.


Love, T. (2021) Variety Dynamics Overview for ICCPM. International Centre for Complex Project Management.

Love, T. & Cooper, T. (2021) Variety Dynamics for Operational Research, OR63 International Operational Research Society Conference.

Love, T. (2021) Variety Dynamics. Presentation to Australian and New Zealand Systems Society. Video-  )


Love, T. (2020) CPTED for Planners, Architects and Associated Professionals, Praxis Education, Perth, WA.


Love, T. (2019 Eight Keys to Effective Natural Surveillance.

Love, T. (2019) CPTED Audit Guidelines for Neighbourhood Watch. Design Out Crime and CPTED Centre, Fremantle, WA.


Love, T. (2018). The 2 Feedback Loop Axiom and its  Implications for OR, Systems Thinking and Wicked Problems in Planning and Crime Prevention. OR60 Operational Research Conference, Lancaster University, UK.

Love, T. (2018). Machiavelli:  Using Distribution and Dynamics of Variety to Change the Locus of Control of Complex Socio-Technical-Political Systems.OR60 Operational Research Conference, Lancaster University, UK.

Love, T. (2018). Thief of Time: Time as an Equivalent to Variety to Manipulate Power and Control in Complex Socio-Technical Political Situations. OR60 Operational Research Conference, Lancaster University, UK.

Love, T. and Ames, M. (2018). "Improving OT and SCADA cyber-security? Make IT do the work". LinkedIn Pulse . Available

Cooper, T. Love, T. and Taylor, F. (republished 2018) “Responding to Anti-Social Behaviour on the Metropolitan Train Line: Effective Partnerships across Organisational Difference‟. Perth: Praxis Education.

 (Previously published as: Cooper, T. Love, T. and Taylor, F. (2010) “Sector Partnering with Transit Guards in Perth: Effective Partnerships across Organisational Difference‟ in Fiona Elizabeth Taylor; Lucas Walsh, Roger Holdsworth (eds.) Partnerships in the Youth Sector Melbourne: Foundation for Young Australians pp. 51 - 59. ISBN 9780980789201.)

Scott, J., Barclay, E., Sims, M., Cooper, T., Love, T. (2018). Critical Reflections on the Operation of Aboriginal Night Patrols. In: Carrington, K., Hogg, R., Scott, J., Sozzo, M. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Criminology and the Global South. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.


Cozens P. and Love, T. (2016/7). Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Introducing and Learning from the "Dark Side" Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Available:

Cooper, T, and Love, T (2017). A youth curfew: A retrospective view of the rise, fall and legacy of the Northbridge Policy. Australian Journal of Social Issues, (pp. 204-221) (Pre-print). Final version available:


Cooper, T., Sims, M., Scott, J., Henry, P., Barclay, E.. and Love, T. (2014) Crime prevention and young people: Models and future direction for youth night patrols. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, (pp. 1-18) (pre-print). Final version available and


Love, T. (2015). Confidentiality Risks for Engineers: 5 Tools for Secure Engineering Communications, Joint Technical Lecture of IMechE, IE(Aust), ASME, ASBSH. Held in Engineers Australia Auditorium, West Perth, Western Australia. (pptx 16Mb). Outline is in flyer (pdf 0.5Mb).

Cozens, P. and Love, T. (2015) A Review and Current Status of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED). Journal of Planning Literature. 30(4), pp. 393-412.


Cooper, T., Sims, M., Scott, J., Henry, P., Barclay, E.. and Love, T. (2014) Evaluation of Indigenous Justice Programs Project D: Safe Aboriginal Youth Patrol Programs in New South Wales and Northbridge Policy and Juvenile Aid Group in Western Australia. Canberra: Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department, and Perth: Edith Cowan University.


Love, T., (2013). CPTED Origins, Successes, Challenges, New Directions, Keynote Presentation WA CPTED Awards WA Police Academy, Joondalup, Western Australia. (PowerPoint 0.5Mb)


Love, T. (2011) 3-year Fast-Track PhD Candidate Crib Notes. Praxis Education, Quinns Rocks.

Love, T. (2011) Fast-Track 3 -year PhD Seminar (ECU presentation). Praxis Education, Quinns Rocks.

Love, T. (2011) 3-year Fast Track PhD.  Research Week Presentation:  Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Western Australia.

Love, T. (2011). 'Quality 3-year Fast-Track PhD Supervision’ Method. Proceedings of the 2011 Doctoral Education in Design Conference, Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Love, T. (2011). Super-fast 18 Month PhD seminar. Delivered at the 2011 Doctoral Education in Design Conference, Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Love, T. (2011). PhD Supervision Workshop. Delivered at the 2011 Doctoral Education in Design Conference, Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Love, T. (2011). PhD Supervision Time and Motion Study (Abstract).

Love, T. (2011). 5 Chapter PhD Thesis Seminar PowerPoint. Polytechnic University of Hong Kong June 2011.


Love, T. and Cooper, T. (2010). The Central Role of Commentary on Evidence in E-Portfolios. In N. Buzzetto-More (Ed) The E-Portfolio Paradigm: Informing, Educatiing, Assessing and Managing with E-Portfolios.Santa-Rosa, California: Informing Science Press (pp. 267-288).
Hardcopy book is available from and full text online at Google Books

Love, T., & Cooper, T. (2010). Health services system improvements: case study of stroke unit using design research methods AMJ, 3(8), 445-457.

Love, T. (2010). Can you feel it? Yes we can! Human Limitations in Design Theory (invited plenary). Paper presented at the CEPHAD 2010 conference. Powerpoint (1.6Mb)
Proceedings available from
Videos of sessions and keynote presentations available here.

Love, T. (2010). Design Guideline Gap and 2 Feedback Loop Limitation: Two issues in Design and Emotion theory, research and practice. In J. Gregory, K. Sato & P. Desmet (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Design and Emotion Conference 2010 Blatantly Blues. Chicago: Institute of Design and Design and Emotion Society. Powerpoint of presentation available here (1Mb pptx file).

Cooper, T. Love, T. and Taylor, F. (2010) “Sector Partnering with Transit Guards in Perth: Effective Partnerships a cross Organisational Difference‟ in Fiona Elizabeth Taylor; Lucas Walsh, Roger Holdsworth (eds.) Partnerships in the Youth Sector Melbourne: Foundation for Young Australians pp. 51 - 59. ISBN 9780980789201.


Love, T. (2009). Understanding in Design Edited from presentation by T. Love for Linus Pauling Memorial Lecture 'Holistic Design'. (15 Jan 2009). Portland: Institute of Science, Engineering and Public Policy.

Love, T. and Cooper, T. (2009). Design for Improving Hospital Stroke Unit Processes: Reducing Complex Systems Failures Leading to Adverse Patient Outcomes. In: Undisciplined! Design Research Society Conference 2008, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK, 16-19 July 2008. (html version here)

Cozens, P. and Love, T. (2009) Permeability as a Process for Controlling Crime: A View from Western Australia. Special Edition of the Built Environment Journal. Security Versus Safety: How to Deliver Less Crime and More Sustainable Design, Volume 35 (3), pp. 346-365.

Love, T. (2009). University-Based Units providing Design and Innovation Support for Businesses and Public Sector Organisations. In E. Corte-Real, A. Couto & C. Duarte (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Internacional Conference of UNIDCOM/IADE "40IADE40" (pp. 402-409). Lisbon: IADE - Creative University.

Love, T. (2009). Complicated and Complex Crime Prevention and the 2 Feedback Loop Law. In T. Cooper, P. Cozens, K. Dorst, P. Henry & T. Love (Eds.), Proceedings of iDOC'09 'What's Up Doc' International Design Out Crime Conference. Perth: Design Out Crime Research Centre.
Proceedings online at

Love, T.( 2009). Counter-intuitive Design Thinking: Implications for Design Education, Research and Practice. Cumulus 38South Conference, Melbourne (pdf 160Kb) . [online proceedings -]

Love, T. (2009) 'Holistic Design'. Linus Pauling Memorial Lecture (15 Jan 2009). Portland: Institute of Science, Engineering and Public Policy. [PowerPoint slides 5Mb]

Love, T. and Cooper, T. (2009) Built Environments of Digitally-based Ecosystems: Systemic Variety-Based Design. Invited lecture to Dept of Architecture, University of Oregon [pdf of PowerPoint 2Mb] [Introductory notes].

Love, T. (2009) Design and Emotion: Time for a New Direction?. IASDR Conference 2009: Design / Rigor & Relevance, Seoul: International Association of Societies of Design Research and the Korean Society for Design [pdf 57Kb].

Yang, S and Love, T. (2009) Designing Shape-shifting of Knitwear by Stitch Shaping Combinatorics: A simple mathematical approach to developing knitwear silhouettes efficaciously. IASDR Conference 2009: Design / Rigor & Relevance, Seoul: International Association of Societies of Design Research and the Korean Society for Design [pdf 185Kb] 


Love, T. , & Cooper, T. (2008). Motivational Information Systems: Case study of a University Research Productivity Index and 6th Extension to Ashby’s Law Paper presented at the ANZSYS'08: 14th International Conference, Perth, WA.

Cozens, P. M. & Love, T. (2008). Planning Guidelines for Reducing Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour associated with Pedestrian Access Ways in Western Australia: Supplement to the Designing Out Crime Planning Guidelines: Office of Crime Prevention, Western Australia.

Yang, S., & Love, T. (2008). Integrated System for Fashion Design using Computerised Wholegarment Knitwear Production. Paper presented at the ANZSYS'08: 14th International Conference, Perth, WA.

Love, T. (2008). Building with Poison: Toxicity and CCA-treated Lumber. In M. Singer & H. Baer. (Eds.), Killer Commodities: A Critical Anthropological Examination of Corporate Products and Public Health (pp. 175-204). Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press.

Jung, J. & Love, T. (2008). A strategy for creating design methods based on social behaviours for pleasurable user experiences in human–computer interaction. Refereed paper presented at the 6th Conference on Design & Emotion 2008.: Dare to Desire, Hong Kong Polytechnic University [CDROM proceedings].

Love, T. & Cozens, P. M. (2008). Pedestrian Access Ways in Western Australia. Peer-reviewed paper presented at the 4th Annual PATREC Research Forum, Edith Cowan University Joondalup. Published: Design Out Crime and CPTED Centre 2019. PowerPoint available here.

Love, T. (2008). Design & Innovation: Integrating Engineering, Information Systems, Business and Humanities. Paper (ppt) presented at the Digital Ecosystems and Business Intelligence Institute (DEBII) Research Forum.

Love, T. (2008). Improving Design of Micro-business Systems via VSM and Constituent Orientation Analysis. In C. Rust (Ed.), Design Research Society International Conference 2008: Undisciplined! (pp. CDROM). Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Hallam University and Design Research Society [CDROM].

Love, T. & Cooper, C. (2008). Machiavelli with Extra Variety: Taking Organisational Power and Control. Paper (ppt) presented at the Institute of Enterpreneurship and Enterprise Development, Management School, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK. [pdf  of PowerPoint - 1Mb]

Love, T., & Cooper, C. (2008). Machiavelli with Extra Variety: Taking Organisational Power and Control. Paper (ppt) presented at the Systems Thinking Group of Western Australia, Technology Park, Bentley, Western Australia.


Rose, M., Love, T., & Parsons, M. (2007). Path Dependent Foundation of Global Design-driven Outdoor Trade in NW of England. International Journal of Design, 1(3), 57-68.

Love, T., & Cooper, T. (2007). Complex Built-environment Design: Four Extensions to Ashby. Kybernetes, 46(9/10), 1422-1435.

Love, T. And Cooper, T (2007) Successful activism strategies: Five new extensions to Ashby. In K. Fielden & J. Sheffield (Eds), Systemic development: local solutions in a global environment, ANZSYS 2007 proceedings [CDROM]. Auckland, NZ: Unitech.

Love, T., & Cooper, T. (2007). Digital Eco-systems Pre-Design: Variety Analyses, System Viability and Tacit System Control Mechanisms. In E. Chang & F. K. Hussain (Eds.), 2007 Inaugural IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies 21-23 February 2007 Cairns, Australia (pp. 452-457). Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE.

Love, T., & Cooper, T. (2007). An Inclusive Approach to Learning Object Architectures: Portfolios and RDF. In K. Harman & A. Koohang (Eds.), Learning Objects: Standards, Metadata, Repositories, and LCMS (pp. 315-350). Santa Rosa, California: Informing Science Press.

Love, T. (2007). National Design infrastructures: The Key to Design-driven Socio-economic Outcomes and Innovative Knowledge Economies [Electronic Version]. Emerging Trends in Design Research. Proceedings of the International Association of Societies of Design Research 2007 Hong Kong (CDROM).

Cooper, T., Love, T.& Donovan, E. (2007). Research into integrated crime prevention strategies for rail station environs – Final Report. Perth, Western Australia: Department of Premier and Cabinet Government of Western Australia and the Office of Crime Prevention.

Love, T. (2007). System dynamics modelling of national design infrastructure development. In K. Fielden & J. Sheffield (Eds.), Systemic development: local solutions in a global environment. ANSYS 2007 proceedings (Vol. [CDROM]). Auckland: Unitech.

Cooper, T., & Love, T. (2007). E-Portfolios in e-Learning. In N. A. Buzzetto-More (Ed.), Advanced Principles of Effective e-Learning (pp. 267-292). Santa Rosa, California: Informing Science Press.

Cooper, T., Donovan, E., & Love, T. (2007). Young people in rail environs: An interagency approach to conflict reduction and crime prevention. In Are we there yet? Past learnings. Current Realities. Future Directions for Youth Affairs in Australia. Melbourne: YACVic.

Love, T., Rose, M., & Parsons, M. (2007). Leaks in Outdoor Clothing Design (Presentation). Paper (ppt) presented at the Innov_ex07 (Clothing for Extremes) International Conference, Lancaster University, UK.

Love, T., Rose, M., & Parsons, M. (2007). Abstract: Outdoor Clothing Design: Loss of Design Knowledge


Love, T., & Cooper, T. (2006). Causal Model of Beach Erosion with Inland Sand Transport: Political and Urban Planning Implications. In R. Attwater & J. Merson (Eds.), Sustaining our Social and Natural Capital. Proceedings of the 12th ANZSYS Conference Katoomba NSW 3rd-8th December 2006. Katoomba, NSW: ISCE Publishing.

Review Love, T. (2006), Sponsor and final edits Dr. K Friedman. Book Review: Gray, Carole, and Julian Malins. 2004. Visualizing Research. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. DESIGN RESEARCH NEWS DRS Digital Newsletter, 11(5).

Cooper, T., Love, T., Affleck, F., & Durey, A. (2006). Research into Integrated Crime Prevention Strategies for Rail Station Environs: Preliminary Findings. In F. Affleck & A. Maclean (Eds.), PATREC 2nd Research Forum. Perth, WA: PATREC.

Cooper, T., Love, T., Affleck, F., & Donovan, E. (2006). Interagency Crime Prevention for Rail Station Environs. Youth Rail Project Public Seminar. Perth: PATREC and Edith Cowan University. (PPT slides).

Cooper, T., Love, T., Affleck, F., & Donovan, E. (2006). Outcomes and Achievements. Youth Rail Project Public Seminar. Perth: PATREC and Edith Cowan University. (PPT slides).

Love, T. (2006). Design Centres as Elements of Design Infrastructure. SEEDesign Bulletin (Design Wales)(2), 3-5.

Love, T. (2006). A Systems Analysis of the Problem of Professional Practice in Design: "Why Mac Computer Systems Reduce Creativity and Inhibit Quality Improvement of Novel Innovative Design" - Plenary.WonderGround, Designing interdisciplinary discourse, conspiring for Design Leadership, Design Research Society International Conference 2006 Lisbon, Portugal: IADE - Instituto Artes Visuais Design Marketing.

Love, T., Cooper, T., Affleck, F., & Donovan, E. (2006). Development of a Collaborative Design-focused Research Approach for Interagency Cooperation Addressing Youth Anti-Social Behaviour in Rail Environs. In K. Friedman, E. Corte-Real & T. Love (Eds.), WonderGround, Designing interdisciplinary discourse, conspiring for Design Leadership, Design Research Society International Conference 2006 Proceedings Book (pp. cdrom). Lisbon, Portugal: IADE - Instituto Artes Visuais Design Marketing.

Love, T. (2006). International Corresponding Member Report - Western Australia. Design Research Quarterly, 1(1), 15-16.


Love, T. (2005). Design Infrastructure: Australian Developments. In 2005IDC New Design Paradigms Proceedings (paper N00000808ATLIP00000972.pdf [CDROM]). Douliou, Taiwan: National Yunlin University of Science and Technology and International Association of Design Research Societies.

Love, T. (2005). A Unified Basis for Design Research and Theory. In 2005IDC New Design Paradigms Proceedings (paper N00000808ATLIP00000971.pdf [CDROM]). Douliou, Taiwan: National Yunlin University of Science and Technology and International Association of Design Research Societies.

Love, T. (2005). The Practical Implications of the Essentially Two-faced Nature of Design. In E. Corte-Real, C. A. M. Duarte & F. Carvalho Rodrigues (Eds.), Pride & Predesign The Cultural Heritage and the Science of Design 2005 (pp. 251-254). Lisbon: IADE/UNIDCOM.

Love, T. (2005). The Practical Implications of the Essentially Two-faced Nature of Design. (Powerpoint presentation)

Love, T. (2005). Improving Quality in Design-focused Services. In E. Corte-Real, C. A. M. Duarte & F. Carvalho Rodrigues (Eds.), Pride & Predesign The Cultural Heritage and the Science of Design 2005 (pp. 261-266). Lisbon: IADE/UNIDCOM.

Love, T. (2005). Improving Quality in Design-focused Services. (Powerpoint presentation)

Love, T. (2005). The Future of e-Learning: Inclusive learning objects using RDF. Paper presented at the IEED Seminar 25 October 05, Lancaster University.

Love, T. (2005). Book Review: Restrepo, John. 2004. Information Processing in Design. Delft: Delft University Press. Design Research News, 10(5), [online].

Love, T. (2005). Design Economies: Moving on from the Knowledge Economy. The Key Roles of Design Infrastructure in National Economic Development, Public Lecture, John Curtin Institute of Public Policy (19 Aug 05).

Love, T. (2005). The 5 Chapter thesis:A structured approach to writing a successful thesis and completing your PhD within time, Presented May 2005 at Managament School, Lancaster University, UK and at IADE 2005 Doctoral Research Workshop, IADE, Lisbon, Portugal.

Love, T. (2005). New Directions in PhDs: Online Considerations. In A. Ferro (Ed.), Idade da Imagem. Lisbon: IADE.

Love, T. (2005). A structured approach to writing a successful thesis and completing your PhD within time. In E. Corte-Real (Ed.), Doctoral Supervision Workshop (23 May 2005) Cumulus European Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media. Lisbon: IADE/UNIDCOM.


Jonas, W., & Love, T. (2004). Interview with Terence Love. In W. Jonas (Ed.), Mind the Gap! On knowing and not-knowing in design. (pp. 149-163). Bremen: University of the Arts. (the full live transcript is here)

Tellefsen, B., & Love, T. (made available 2004, published date 2002). Doctoral Research in Design: The Future of the Practice-based Doctorate. International Journal of Design Science and Technology, 10(2), pp. 45-59.

Love, T., & Cooper, T. (2004). Designing Online Information Systems for Portfolio-Based Assessment: Design Criteria and Heuristics. Journal of Information Technology Education, 3, 65-81.

Love, T. (2004). Design Economies: Moving on from the Knowledge Economy. The central and essential role of design activity and infrastructure in local economic and social development. Presentation to the Institute for Small Business Affairs, ISBA Research Day, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK, 25 May 2004. (PowerPoint slides).


Love, T., & Tellefsen, B. (2003). Constituent Market Orientation and Ownership of Virtual Marketplaces. Journal of Logistics and Information Management, 16(1), 8-17.

Love, T. (2003). Design and Sense: Implications of Damasio's Neurological Findings for Design Theory. Proceedings of Science and Technology of Design, Senses and Sensibility in Technology - Linking Tradition to Innovation through Design 25-26 September 2003, Lisbon, Portugal.

Love, T. (2003). Beyond Emotions in Designing & Designs: Epistemological & Practical Issues. In D. McDonagh, D. Gyi, P. Hekkert & J. v. Erp (Eds.), Design and Emotion (pp. 387-391). London: Taylor & Francis.

Love, T. (2003). Design-focused Professional Doctorates: Implications for Other Professional Doctoral Programs. In E. McWilliam (Ed.), ' Research Training for the Knowledge Economy' (pp. 3-14). Brisbane: University of Queensland.

Love, T. (2003). Customers' Use of Products as Design Tools. In Proceedings of the 6th Asian Design Conference. Tsukuba. (pdf)

Tellefsen, B., & Love, T. (2003). Constituent Market Orientation as a Basis for Integrated Design Processes and Design Management. In Proceedings of the 6th Asian Design Conference. Tsukuba.

Cooper, T., & Love, T. (2003). Designing Doctoral Education Programs in Design: Articulation with Post Doctoral Career Pathways. In D. Durling & K. Sugiyama (Eds.), Proceeding of the 3rd Doctoral Education in Design Conference (pp. 3-14). Tsukuba: University of Tsukuba.

Love, T. (2003). Implications for Design-Focused Professional Doctorates of Australian Research into Professional Doctorates. In D. Durling & K. Sugiyama (Eds.), Proceeding of the 3rd Doctoral Education in Design Conference (pp. 77-86). Tsukuba: University of Tsukuba.

Love, T. (2003). A Fork in the Road: Systems and Design. In T. Haslet & R. Sarah (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th ANZSYS Australian and New Zealand Systems Conference - Monash University. Melbourne: Monyx.

Love, T., & Cooper, T. (2003). Designing Online Information Systems for Portfolio-Based Assessment: Design Criteria and Heuristics. In E. Cohen & E. Boyd (Eds.), Informing Science and Information Technology Education Joint Conference. Pori: Informing Science Institute.

Love, T. (2003). Review: 'The Design Way by H. G. Nelson and E. Stolterman (2003)'. Journal of Design Research.

Love, T. (2003). Design as a Social Process: Bodies, Brains and Social Aspects of Designing. Journal of Design Research.

Love, T. (2003)  Nominalisation Problem in Design Research, phd-design mailing list at Jiscmail

Love, T. (2003) Design of Communication Behaviours (Invited Lecture), School of Marketing, Norwegian School of Management

Xmas Consultant reports: SC1 251203 and SC2 251203


Love, T. (2002). Developments in Management Information Systems and Product Design: Structural Implications and Failure Reduction, Proceedings of the We-B Conference 2002,  E-Conomy - from Here to Where.  3rd International We-B Conference, Perth: Edith Cowan University.

Love, T. (2002). Design-focused Professional Doctorates: Implications for Other Professional Doctoral Programs, Proceedings of the 4th International Biennial Conference on Professional Doctorates,' Research Training for the Knowledge Economy'. Brisbane: University of Queensland.

Sercombe, H., Omaji, P., Drew, N., Cooper, T., & Love, T. (2002). Youth and the Future: Effective Youth Services for the Year 2015. Canberra: National Youth Affairs Research Scheme.

Love, T. (2002). Constructing a coherent cross-disciplinary body of theory about designing and designs: some philosophical issues. International Journal of Design Studies, 23(3), 345-361.

Love, T. (2002). Learning from the Design-Science Paradox: New Foundations for a Field of Design. In W. Jonas (Ed.), The Basic Paradox.

Love, T. (2002). Review of 'Flood, R. & Carson, E. R. (Eds) (1988) Dealing with Complexity: An Introduction to the Theory and Application of Systems Science'. Visible Language, 36(2).

Love, T. (2002). Resolving Problems with the Foundations of PhD Education: Multiple Theoretical Perspectives in Long Thesis PhD Submissions. In A. Goody & J. Herrington & M. Northcote (Eds.), Research and Development in Higher Education: Quality Conversations (Vol. 25, pp. 409-418). Canberra, ACT: Higher Education Research And Development Society of Australasia.

Love, T. (2002). Beyond Emotions in Designing & Designs: Epistemological & Practical Issues. Paper presented at the Design & Emotion '02 Conference, Loughborough, UK

Love, T. (2002). Review of 'Espejo, R. & Harnden, R. (Eds.) (1989). The Viable System Model: Interpretations and Applications of Stafford Beer's VSM'. Visible Language, 36(2).

Love, T. (2002). Building Better Relationships between Design Research, Design Research Education, Government, Industry and the Design Professions. In D. Durling & J. Shackleton (Eds.), Common Ground Proceedings of the Design Research Society International Conference at Brunel University, September 5-7, 2002. (pp. 666-676). Stoke-on-Trent: Staffordshire University Press.

Love, T. (2002). Are the Reflective Practitioner and Learning Cycles suitable Foundations for Theories about Designing and Design Cognition? In D. Durling & J. Shackleton (Eds.), Common Ground. Proceedings of the Design Research Society International Conference at Brunel University, September 5-7, 2002. (pp. 678-686). Stoke-on-Trent: Staffordshire University Press.

Tellefsen, B., & Love, T. (2002). Understanding designing and design management through Constituent Market Orientation and Constituent Orientation. In D. Durling & J. Shackleton (Eds.), Common Ground. Proceedings of the Design Research Society International Conference at Brunel University, September 5-7, 2002. (pp. 1090-1106). Stoke-on-Trent: Staffordshire University Press (preprint of paper).

Tellefsen, B., & Love, T. (2002). Understanding designing and design management through Constituent Market Orientation and Constituent Orientation. In D. Durling & J. Shackleton (Eds.), Common Ground. Proceedings of the Design Research Society International Conference at Brunel University, September 5-7, 2002. (pp. 1090-1106). Stoke-on-Trent: Staffordshire University Press (PPT slides).

Love, T. (2002). Complexity in Design Management: Layered System Dynamics Graphs. ANZSYS'02 'Management Approaches to Complex Systems', Mooloolaba, Qld. (Paper - pdf) (PowerPoint - pdf)


Love, T. (2001). Resolving problems with the Foundations of PhD Education: Theoretical Perspectives in Long Thesis PhD Submissions Paper presented at the Teaching and Learning Forum 2001, Curtin University, Perth.

Love, T. (2001). Affective Information Systems: Contributions to IS from Design Research - We-B Research Seminar (ppt files). Perth: We-B Research Centre.

Love, T. (2001). Concepts and Affects in Computational and Cognitive Models of Designing. In J. S. Gero, M. L. Maher (Eds.), Computational and Cognitive Models of Creative Design (pp. 3-23). Sydney: University of Sydney.

Love, T. (2001). Addressing Information Systems Failures through Design Research. In W. Hutchinson & M. Warren (Eds.), The Relevance of Systems Thinking in the Contemporary World: Systems in Management, 7th Annual ANZSYS Conference Proceedings (pp. 290-298). Scarborough: We-B Research Centre, Edith Cowan University.

Love, T. (2001). Changes to Theory Making about Systems Involving People: Meta-theoretical Analysis and Brain Research. In W. Hutchinson & M. Warren (Eds.), The Relevance of Systems Thinking in the Contemporary World: Systems in Management 7th Annual ANZSYS Conference Proceedings (pp. 69-79). Perth: We-B Research Centre, Edith Cowan University.

Love, T. (2001). Designing Information Security for Small Businesses: Lessons from a Case Study. In W. Hutchinson & M. Warren & J. Burn (Eds.), Survival in the E-Conomy: 2nd Information Warfare and Security Conference (pp. 158-164). Scarborough, WA: We-B Research Centre, Edith Cowan University.

Cooper, T., & Love, T. (2001). Online portfolios: issues of assessment and pedagogy. In P. Jeffrey (Ed.), AARE 2001: Crossing Borders: New Frontiers of Educational Research. Coldstream, Victoria: AARE Inc.

Love, T. (2001). New directions in PhDs: online considerations. In P. Jeffrey (Ed.), AARE 2001: Crossing Borders: New Frontiers of Educational Research (pp. COO01346 (cdrom book)). Coldstream, Victoria: AARE Inc.

Love, T., & Cooper, T. (2001). Online Portfolio Systems in Tertiary Education: Conceptual Design Issues (working paper). Perth: Love Design & Research.

Love, T. (2001). Strategic Management of Knowledge for Designers: Meta-Theoretical Hierarchy as a Foundation for Knowledge Management Tools. In J. Gero & K. Hori (Eds.), Strategic Knowledge and Concept Formation (pp. 3-16). Sydney: Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition, University of Sydney.

Tellefsen, B., & Love, T. (2001). Constituent Market Orientation and Virtual Organisations. In S. Stoney & B. J (Eds.), Working for Excellence in the E-conomy (pp. 195-204). Scarborough, WA: We-B Research Centre, Edith Cowan University.

Cooper, T., & Love, T. (2001). Online Portfolio Assessment in Information Systems. In S. Stoney & J. Burn (Eds.), Working for Excellence in the E-conomy (pp. 417-426). Perth: We-B Research Centre, Edith Cowan University.

Boyd, S., Love, T., Sercombe, H., & Booth, S. (2001). Jumping at Shadows: Young People and Public Space. Perth: City of Joondalup.


Love, T. (2000). Philosophy of Design: a Meta-theoretical Structure for Design Theory. Design Studies, 21(3), 293-313.

Love, T. (2000). Writing a better thesis (Working paper). Perth: Love Design and Research.

Love, T. (2000). A Meta-theoretical basis for Design Theory. In D. Durling & K. Friedman (Eds.), Doctoral Education in Design: Foundations for the Future (pp. 45-54). Stoke-on-Trent, UK: Staffordshire University Press.

Love, T. (2000). Theoretical perspectives, design research and the PhD thesis. In D. Durling & K. Friedman (Eds.), Doctoral Education in Design: Foundations for the Future (pp. 237-246). Stoke-on-Trent, UK: Staffordshire University Press.

Love, T. (2000). Theoretical perspectives in the PhD thesis. How many? In D. Durling & K. Friedman (Eds.), Doctoral Education in Design: Foundations for the Future (pp. 261-270). Stoke-on-Trent, UK: Staffordshire University Press.

Love, T. (2000). Computerising Affective Design Cognition. International Journal of Design Computing, 2.

Love, T. (2000). Educating those involved in changing human futures: a more coherent programme for design education. In C. Swann & E. Young (Eds.), Re-inventing Design Education in the University (pp. 242-248). Perth: School of Design, Curtin University of Technology (pdf of paper).
(PowerPoint presentation)

Love, T. (2000). New roles for design education in university settings. In C. Swann & E. Young (Eds.), Re-inventing Design Education in the University (pp. 249-255). Perth: School of Design, Curtin University of Technology.

Love, T. (2000). Educating e-business designers: some implications of a post-positivist theory of design cognition. In S. Stoney (Ed.), Working for e-business: challenges of the new e-conomy. Perth: We-B Research Centre, Edith Cowan University.

Love, T. (2000). Research and Practice in the University Education of Designers. Curtin Journal of Design, 5, 16-20.

Cooper, T., & Love, T. (2000). Portfolios in university-based design education. In C. Swann & E. Young (Eds.), Re-inventing Design Education in the University (pp. 159-166). Perth: School of Design, Curtin University.

Love, T. (2000). Response to Twelve Points from Ken Friedman, [DRS Archives]. Available: [May 2000 19:25:00].

Before 2000

Love, T. (1999). Engineering design education: some implications of  a post-positivist theory of design cognition. In N. Juster (Ed.), The Continuum of Design Education (pp. 33-42). Bury St Edmunds, UK: Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd.

Love, T. (1999). Values Role in Computer Assisted Designing. International Journal of Design Computing, 1.

Love, T. (1999). Towards an epistemologically more coherent view of design (long post), [drs discussion list archive]. Available:

Love, T. (1999). Notes on Population 2040 (Working Report). Perth: Youth & Society Collaborative Research Team Edith Cowan University.

Love, T. (1999). Family Types Chart 1976 to 1996 (Excel file). Perth: Youth & Society Collaborative Research Team Edith Cowan University.

Love, T. (1999). Charts of Full and Part time employment  based on information from Wooden 1998 (Excel file). Perth: Youth & Society Collaborative Research Team Edith Cowan University.

Love, T. (1999). An Overview of Australian Youth Policy from 1975 to 1999 (Working paper). Perth: Youth & Society Collaborative Research Team Edith Cowan University.

Love, T. (1999). Australia's Population in Transition: comparison between measured and stationary population profiles (Working report). Perth: Youth & Society Collaborative Research Team Edith Cowan University.

Love, T. (1998) Values Role in Computer Assisted Designing. DCNET'98 conference. Key Centre of Design Computing, Sydney NSW.

Love, T. (1998). Social, Environmental and Ethical Factors in Engineering Design Theory: a Post-positivist Approach. Perth, Western Australia: Praxis Education.

Love, T. (1997). Literature Review of Social, Environmental, Ethical and Technical Factors in Design Theory. from Social, Environmental and Ethical Factors in Engineering Design Theory: a Post-positivist Approach. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Western Australia, Perth.
pdf (500Kb)

Love, T. (1997). Annotated Bibliography of Definitions of Design 1962-1995. from Social, Environmental and Ethical Factors in Engineering Design Theory: a Post-positivist Approach - (contains full reference list from PhD). Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Western Australia, Perth.
pdf (500Kb)

Love, T. (1997). Annotated Bibliography of Definitions of Design Process 1962-1995) from Social, Environmental and Ethical Factors in Engineering Design Theory: a Post-positivist Approach - (contains full reference list from PhD). Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Western Australia, Perth.
pdf (400Kb)

Love, T. (1997). Preprint of Appendix 3 ( List of Dewey Call Numbers Relating to Literature of Design Research and Engineering Design Research) from Social, Environmental and Ethical Factors in Engineering Design Theory: a Post-positivist Approach. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Western Australia, Perth.

Love, T. (1997). Preprint of Appendix 4 (DesignWeb Researchers’ Database 1996 [on-line] ) from Social, Environmental and Ethical Factors in Engineering Design Theory: a Post-positivist Approach. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Western Australia, Perth.

Love, T. (1997). Preprint of Appendix 5 (Four lists of the characteristics and skills of human engineering designers) from Social, Environmental and Ethical Factors in Engineering Design Theory: a Post-positivist Approach. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Western Australia, Perth.

Love, T. (1998). Social, environmental and ethical factors in engineering design theory: a post positivist approach. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Western Australia, Perth.

Love, T. (1996). New Developments in Engineering Design Theory: Part 1. News Bulletin Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Australian Branch), NSW.(123).

Love, T. (1996). New Developments in Engineering Design Theory: Part 2. News Bulletin Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Australian Branch), NSW.(124).

Love, T. (1996). Social, environmental and ethical factors: their implications for design theory. In M. A. Groves & S. Wong (Eds.), Design for People (pp. 199-206). Perth: Edith Cowan University.

Love, T. (1995). Systems Models and Engineering Design Theory. In W. Hutchinson & S. Metcalf & C. Standing & M. Williams (Eds.), Systems for the Future (pp. 238–246). Perth Western Australia: Edith Cowan University.

Love, T. (1995). New Developments in Engineering Design Theory. I.Mech.E and I.E.Aust Joint Meeting: Perth, Western Australia.

Love, T., & Cooper, T. (1994). Comments and suggestions for change to the proposed Draft Planning Policy on the design of New Urban Centre in the City of Wanneroo (Submission). Perth: Eco-Design.

Cooper, T., Love, T., & Buchanan, J. (1994). Ideology and Competencies. In J. Bessant, S. Cook, G. Coventry, D. Maunders, J. Wyn (Eds.), Rethinking Policies for Young People: Towards a National Perspective (pp. 90-96). Melbourne: Youth Research Centre, University of Melbourne.

Cooper, T., & Love, T. (1993). Considerations for Structuring Local Permaculture Groups (Discussion Paper). Perth: Eco-Design.

Cooper, T., & Love, T. (1993). Community Perspectives on Planning. Social Impact (July), 6-7.

Love, T. (1992). Pattern Language and Whole Farm Planning, Part 1: What is Pattern Language. Land Management Society Newsletter (Summer 1992).

Love, T. (1992). The Living City. (Submission). City Challenge Conference, Perth.

Love, T. (1992). Living Cities through Community Based Design. Paper presented at the City Challenge 'Day of Action', Perth.

Love, T. (1991). Design for Land Management. Land Management Society Newsletter (Spring 1991).

Love, T. (1989). Aerial Distribution for seed or the like particulate matter. Pending patent 8912561 (expired). United Kingdom.

Publications: Dr. Keith Russell

Russell, K. (2015). Effects and Affects, Poetics and Dramaturgics: The Logics of Media Production and Reception (PDF)

Publications: Dr. Judith Gregory

Gregory, J. (2000). Sorcerer's Apprentice: Creating the Electronic Health Record, Reinventing Medical Records and Patient Care, Unpublished thesis (PhD) San Diego: University of California. (PDF 1.9Mb )

Publications: Md Abbas Uddin

Uddin, Md. A. (2006), Readymade Garment Industry of Bangladesh: How the industry is affected in post MFA period?, Unpublished thesis (Master of Design). Perth: Curtin University of Technology (Word document 2.2Mb)